Meet Lui De Luna | Digital Marketer & Entrepreneur

Our CEO has been featured on another article brought to you by Voyager LA, Check out some insights into Networking Bizz Digital and what Lui thinks about Risk-taking. Its a quick and easy ready you will definitely enjoy it!

Meet Lui De Luna | Digital Marketer & Entrepreneur

LuiDeLunaWe had the good fortune of connecting with Lui De Luna and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lui, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking

There is no large reward without taking risks. Same as that famous saying by Ronald Reagan “The future doesn’t belong to the light-hearted. It belongs to the brave.” I remember being stuck in class and impatiently looking at the clock to leave since all my time was sucked into starting my very first business. My first risk was moving out of my house when I was 16, my second big risk was dropping out of Junior year of college. There were times when risk had me eating out of the dollar menu of McDonald’s for weeks with only $150 in my bank account and many bills due. networking bizz website experts - 1But looking back that risk truly built my character and defined who I became. To be an Entrepreneur is to be immune to all the fears that come from risk, in fact, the act of “risking” is sort of like weight training or cardio training. Eventually, you build your “risk muscle” to the point of being immune to all the fears that come from risk. I strongly believe risk, is a necessary rite of passage for all entrepreneurs. Now there are many different kinds of Entrepreneurs, Those that have everything handed to them on a silver platter and are encouraged to take risks since there are no repercussions. But the ones that truly change the world are the ones that do it out of necessity. Necessity is the mother of invention, and necessity always comes with risks, But necessity can also change the world and impact it in ways we never imagined. I have always known that without risk I would not have my business, I would not be so Entrepreneurial and look at problems from a business perspective. Risk led me to my passion which is Digital Marketing. In fact, risk led me to be ahead of the curve in many aspects. And risk helped me to discover that I was not about the 9-5 daily rat race. To me, risk was a necessary obstacle to obtain the life that I wanted, something more than the high paying corporate desk job that I ended up taking for 1 year after a business failure, I convinced myself that the risk of not receiving a steady salary paycheck was less than the reward of owning a successful business. No matter what, I always longed to be a master of my own destiny. And to be a master of your own destiny comes with many risks but many rewards.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?

networking bizz website experts - 2My business’s name is Networking Bizz Digital. This started as an idea back in 2009 but was not initiated until 2016. We specialize in a few managed digital advertising services such as Google Campaign Management, Search Engine Optimization, Web, and Ecommerce Development. What sets us apart is our method of communication and the involvement of clients. We strive to involve clients every step of the way to gain active feedback. We also love the results we get for our clients, that is why we have a very low client turnover rate. Networking Bizz Digital is an accumulation of all the knowledge I have gained throughout the years working for many different clients across many different verticals.

networking bizz website experts - 3Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Since COVID began we started to spend more time in nature, away from all those nasty WIFI and radio signals bombarding your brain frequencies. If someone was visiting from outside the city I would definitely take them to Isabella Lake, they have these awesome Hot Springs that look like naturally formed Hot Spas, as well as beautiful hikes in the Sequoia National Forest. For food, I’ve never had a particular go to place, but there are many places that have awesome food, such as Banana Bay in Rowland Heights, or just a good quick In-N-Out takeout is good enough for me.

I want to give a shoutout to my wife Janet. She has always stood by me, no matter how tough things get. She always believes in me and also my capacity to get things done.

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